26 februar 2011


My desk was covered in rings of juice and whatnot. Some months ago I decided that something had to be done. And so I made myself a coaster. And then one for my sister and then one for my brother. And what material fits this purpose better than good old Perler Beads? I used to make Mom these when I was a kid and get mad at her if she didn't use them. I was adorable really.

They're made on a squared board-thingie, though. 'Cause that's what I could find. And yet I wanted them to be round. And now I've used all the useful colors, so if anyone else ever wanted one, they'd have to wait until I can afford buying more beads.

For the text to make sense, you have to first read downwards, then the red character and then from left to right.

Some of them got a little crooked when I ironed them. But they do their work, and my desk is clean!

I thought I was too grown up for Perler Beads, but it's still fun! Just proves that one should never really let oneself be too grown up for anything.

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